UML Sequence Diagram

UML State Diagram

UML Activity Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)


Data Flow Diagram

UML Use Case Diagram

Software lifecycle Model

In our project, we would like to choose the Rapid Application Development (RAD) as our software lifecycle model. The following below is the figure of our lifecycle model.

RAD is a linear sequential software development process model that emphasis an extremely short development cycle using a component based construction approach. We choose this RAD lifecycle because the requirements are well understood and defined, and our project scope is constraint which is online shopping website. The RAD process also enables us as a development team to create a fully functional system within a very short time period which is given 12 weeks.
There are many advantages of RAD model such as it can reduces the development time and reusability of components help to speed up development and it is easy to work with because all functions are modularized. The structure of the RAD lifecycle is designed to ensure that developers build the systems that the users really need. This lifecycle, through the following four stages, includes all of the activities and tasks required to scope and define business requirements and design, develop, and implement the application system that supports those requirements. The following below are the stages that involve in this life cycle model;-
􀂊 Requirements Planning
Also known as the Concept Definition Stage, this stage defines our project’s functions and data subject areas that the system will support and determines the system’s scope.

􀂊 User Design
Also known as the Functional Design Stage, this stage uses workshops to model the system’s data and processes and to build a working prototype of critical system components.

􀂊 Construction
Also known as the Development Stage, this stage completes the construction of the physical application system, builds the conversion system, and develops user aids and implementation work plans.

􀂊 Implementation
Also known as the Deployment Stage, this stage includes final user testing and training, data conversion, and the implementation of the application.

Group Meeting

Group meeting
Thursday,16July 2009
Venue: FOE lecture room

Since some of the members were not free on last few days, so we have delayed our meeting .Our topic was Rapid Application Development(RAD) and Unified Modeling Language(UML).We used RAD to describe our “life cycle” of software, to understand the software process. After that, we discussed about UML. UML includes actors, use cases and their communications. At first, we discussed the actors, about who initiates the events involved in the task. Then, we discussed the use case ,about the functionality of the actors to be built in the proposed system. We double checked the result we have done ,finally meeting finished. We will make the next meeting on next week.


Project Activities - Activity Precedence Table

Project PlanninG Diagram (AOA)

Key Detail :

A = Proposal

B = PlanninG

C = Design UsinG UML

D = LearninG PHP & MySQL

E = Design Website Layout

F = Build Website,TestinG & DebuG

G = Documentation & Presentation

Gantt Chart

Group MeetinG

Tuesday,7 July 2009

During this day, every group member attended this meeting punctually. We discussed about the Gantt Chart and AOA(Activity-on-Arrow).At first ,we arranged the activities of this project in sequence as well, then we identified timing durations of each activity .Soon after, we came out a complete AOA. After that , we also made a Gantt Chart. We finished our job smoothly because these was a perfect cooperation among every group member .We set the next meeting on the next Tuesday.

Thank you.

Project Proposal

Project Title : Online Shopping Application

Introduction :

In this age of technology, the internet has become a big part of our daily lives. We practically uses internet in every aspects of our lives. In our goal to make shopping easier and less time consuming, we have created an online shopping website to satisfy your shopping needs. We specialize on the perfume department.

How our website helps with your shopping needs

• Our website allows you to shop 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So you can shop at your leisure, regardless of your time zone.

• You can find what you are looking for online easier than find it at the shopping mall. Plus, there is no traveling ,parking ,and walking involved.

• We provide more variety of goods from all over the world for customers because the market is international.

Features of our website :

• Users need to register an account on the website before conducting any selling or buying.

• Product will be categorized by brand name, price range and availability.

• Users will be updated with new information on products with our RSS feeds.

• Users can interact with each other, leave feedbacks or complaints on our forum.


In this project we will design and develop an innovative shopping application by using HTML, PHP web programming language and MySQL database system.

• HTML is the predominant markup language for web pages. It provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists etc as well as for links, quotes, and other items. It allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms.

• PHP is a scripting language originally designed for producing dynamic web pages. It has evolved to include a command line interface capability and can be used in standalone graphical applications.PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. It generally runs on a web server, which is configured to take PHP code as input and create web page content as output. It can be deployed on most web servers and on almost every operating system and platform.

• MySQL is an open source relational database that is free for most uses. It has wide platform support and can be quickly deployed. MySQL has become a standard for small and medium sized organizations, as it is affordable, reliable, and fast.

First Group meetinG

Tuesday, JUNE 30,2009
9.00 pm-10.3o pm

On this day, we do our first meeting at foyer library. We just form a group recently, so on this week we just concentrate on doing the proposal. We only have four person in our group.After we introduce ourselves to each other in the group, we start to discuss about our project. Firstly, we discuss about what we want to do, problems that we need to solve in our project and how we are going to do it. So, after some time finally we decide to choose one product as our main focus in this web application project which is perfume. We also discuss about our project's problem definition and the objectives of our system. Within this time, we also decide roughly on tasks' distribution among our team members. Here is the list;-

Team Leader : Lee Wei Xiang
Programmer Leader : Tung Jin Fei
Design Manager : Danson Ho Guang Min
Document Manager : Norasikin Binti Badaruddin

that's all we did during our first meeting. THANK YOU~